Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Five Months

Really, it's been five months? Hard to believe!
Here are the five month details:
-Wearing 3 and 3-6 month clothes
-size 2 diapers
-I'll have to weigh her and measure her and update this!
-She tries to pull herself up to a sitting position all the time, it mostly ends with her falling over on her face, though.
-We swear she does laps in her crib at night, she's always in a different spot.
-Still a very smiley, very happy girl.
-Loves her puppies, I swear she makes the sign for puppies (we're teaching her sign language)
-When she's excited she will kick her little legs really fast!
-Her hair is starting to take off in the front.
-She has tried oatmeal a couple of times and seems to like it but she'll be exclusively on milk for another month.

I took a bunch of pictures tonight and couldn't pick my favorite so here is a bunch! :)

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