Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We picked the perfect day to go to the pumpkin patch! It was sunny and warm and not a ton of people. Michaels brother Rob came down so he and Michael could go to a movie so he stayed the night and was able to go with us. Kayte, Paige and Rory met us there and we had lots of fun! We looked at the animals, Rory shot pumpkins out of the pumpkin cannon, we did the corn maze, ate and picked out some ginormous pumpkins and some squash. This years corn maze theme was Star Wars- Michael was in nerd heaven. Then we got home and took a much needed nap, it was a very fun day. Avery did really good, too. She loved looking at the animals and laughing at her cousins! The patch was right next to Smith Rock which is an amazing place to hike and rock climb.I wanted a family picture but didn't get one. :( Avery is going to think I was never around! :)

Pumpkin carving

We carved our HUGE pumpkins on Sunday- Avery decided to come sit outside and watch us. :). The dogs were all about it, too. I think pumpkin might be their new favorite food! After we were done I roasted the seeds. I made plain ones with just sea salt and then made a smaller batch with garlic salt and worchestire sauce and they were awesome! Reminded me of the flavoring on chex mix.

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011


I made these super cute cupcakes for a Halloween party- they were really easy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Valid excuse

In our family she will probably have the opportunity to use this excuse at least a few times!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Five Months

Really, it's been five months? Hard to believe!
Here are the five month details:
-Wearing 3 and 3-6 month clothes
-size 2 diapers
-I'll have to weigh her and measure her and update this!
-She tries to pull herself up to a sitting position all the time, it mostly ends with her falling over on her face, though.
-We swear she does laps in her crib at night, she's always in a different spot.
-Still a very smiley, very happy girl.
-Loves her puppies, I swear she makes the sign for puppies (we're teaching her sign language)
-When she's excited she will kick her little legs really fast!
-Her hair is starting to take off in the front.
-She has tried oatmeal a couple of times and seems to like it but she'll be exclusively on milk for another month.

I took a bunch of pictures tonight and couldn't pick my favorite so here is a bunch! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Baby legs

Found this the other day when I went in to check on her...

A girls best friend

Avery has been really interested in the dogs for the past couple weeks. She loves to watch them wrestle and just watch them in general. She will squeal, kick her legs and smile at them to get their attention, but I think the dogs are onto her. She hasn't learned how to pet nicely yet- it's more of a grab a hunk of hair, or maybe an ear, and pull. The dogs are learning to steer clear for the most part. Today, however, Harley got caught. We were laying in bed and had just woken up from our afternoon nap when Harley came to say 'hi', Avery wrapped her arms around Harley's neck and held on tight. She even threw a leg over to make sure Harley wouldn't escape!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Purple Friday!

Modeling some UW gear...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Going private

I will be setting the blog to private in about a week so if you'd like to continue reading please leave a comment with your email address or send me an email so I can add your email to the 'approved' list!

Good thing dogs do not eat beans...

Or Avery would be in trouble!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hanging around

Avery loves to stand up so we got her one of these jumpers- she's getting the hang of it!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Enjoying Fall

The weather has been getting chilly lately but this past Saturday was beautiful and warm- which is fine with me- I'm not even close to ready for Winter! We spent a good chunk of the day outside in the sunshine playing with the puppies. Hopefully in the next week or so we'll be able to go to the pumpkin patch!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Getting mobile

Came out from my shower the other day and heard Avery fussing in the living room and walked out to find this. She was not happy that she could only go in one direction!