Saturday, December 25, 2010


Wow, another month and a half has gone by since my last post and I've been missing ever since. I still haven't found the cord for my camera, so no pictures, again. Maybe I'll give that job to Michael so that I can get some pictures up. First off, Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic day, we had a nice little Christmas here at home and have just been relaxing all day. I made an awesome lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner (I got a picture) and then we slept in until about 10 this morning, so nice to just lay in bed. I was too lazy to get the tree and everything else out of the attic, so I improvised and I think it is way cuter than a Christmas tree, I have a picture of that, too. We got some fun stuff and Michael wrapped ALL of my presents seperately, a lot were little things that probably just could have gone in my stocking (like a bottle of root beer or a little thing of chocolates) but I will give him major credit for wrapping it all. Now I am making a pork tenderloin for dinner and we might head out to see a movie, we'll see.
On another note, there are a lot of other things that I have been missing lately. Things like: sushi with raw fish, brushing my teeth without gagging, caffeine, lying on my back, lunchmeat, and lately I've missed being able to fit into my regular pants. Yes, you guessed it (or at least I hope you did after all those clues), I am growing another human being. 'It' should be out around June 2, just a couple more weeks and we'll have reached the halfway point! Michael and I found out at the end of September and it was quite a little shock, we weren't expecting it to happen so quickly and it still hasn't really sunk in yet but we are excited. I didn't have much morning sickness, I would feel a little queasy right after waking up but I only threw up a few times. Which is good because Michael kept telling me that I was 'faking' it, apparently it doesn't sound authentic enough when I gag. He's lucky I didn't barf on him. We finally told all our family today so now I can tell everyone else. It has been pretty easy to keep it a secret, I'm still really not showing all that much, thanks to the chub I was packing beforehand, but on the other hand, I have actually lost two pounds so far, so things could be worse. I go back to the doctor in a week so hopefully we'll set the appointment for the next ultrasound, it will be fun to see what 'it' looks like now compared to the first one we had when I was about 6.5 weeks. TMI but because of my crazy monthly cycles after coming off birth control we had no idea how far along I was so they did an ultrasound to get an accurate date, definitely awesome. We got to hear the heartbeat and everything, most people don't have an ultrasound that early so they have to wait until 10-12 weeks until they get to hear it. It was very surreal. However, like I said, it still hasn't really sunk in yet, since I am not showing and haven't felt it kick yet I'm still not quite sure there is anything in there. :) We have also decided that we aren't going to find out the sex of the baby until it's born, so we're doing it a little old school in that respect. We have also moved my computer and craft area out of the spare bedroom downstairs so that we can start working on the room. Of course, when we were working on the floors a couple months ago that was the only room we didn't finish. So there you have it, what we have really been up to lately. This blog is going to get a lot more interesting!