Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We will see! We've made an appointment for Missy so that they can check her out. Her boobs have been getting bigger but I'm hoping that's just because she's now a "woman". She has also been sleeping a lot longer than she usually has. Usually it is just Petree who is still in bed at 10am, but lately it has been her, too. So, the appointment is for December 2. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Birthday Boy!!!

So, today is Petree's birthday, one year old!!! It doesn't seem like we have had him for a year. I will have to post pictures later, but yes, I did get him a birthday cake. And you can save your comments about how dumb it is- I am obviously not the only person who does this considering the pet store I went to had an entire pet birthday display. The cakes are super cute- I got two- one for him and one for Missy. He totally loved his birthday present and can't wait to try it out the next time we go for a walk. Petree LOVES having us throw the tennis ball for him to fetch when we go on walks BUT, Michael gets tired of bending over to pick up the ball (weiner, I know). So we got one of those cool ball picker-upper, flinger things.
On a side note- Missy went through her first "womanly cycle" these past couple weeks. GROSS, even if she did look cute in her tiny diapers. We tried keeping them apart but Petree is quick (we have pictures of that too, but I'll keep the blog PG). So we may be having some New Years babies. Who wants a puppy as a late Christmas present?! The gestation period is only about 63 days, so we should know fairly soon. For those of you wondering, there is no pee test for dogs, they go through the same hormonal cycle pregnant or not (I looked it up). The only way to tell is taking her to the vet and getting an x-ray in about a month. If she isn't pregnant then we are getting her fixed, because once again, gross. If she is, then we'll wait and do it once the hoopla is done.