Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tiny Teeth

The puppies are almost 6 months old now, which means its almost time to get them fixed and time for them to lose their teeth. We found quite a few of Missy and Petree's teeth but until the other day we hadn't found any of the puppies teeth, they probably ate them all. The other night there was something on the floor that they all kept sniffing at, I picked it up to throw it away and it was a tiny tooth. They have almost all of their big teeth now, except for Harley who has her 'shark teeth'. Her front two teeth haven't fallen out but the new ones have grown in behind it. They'll get pulled when she gets fixed, poor girl.

New House

I finally took some pictures of the new house, just of the living room and kitchen, but the other rooms are still under construction. We still don't have any of our pictures up on the walls, what can you do?

High Roller Dogs

We have noticed that the dogs love it when we fill up their water bowl, and not just because they don't have to go thirsty anymore. Scooter especially loves the 'fountain' of water that comes out when we fill up the bowl. So what a better idea then to get them a water fountain?!