This is a day late, but better than a month late like her birth post! I can't believe a month has already gone by. I always read on other blogs how moms can't believe how fast time goes and now I know exactly how they feel. Sad. I am excited for when she is older and can interact with us but I really love her small and am enjoying every second of her new babyness, it really does go way too fast. She is starting to follow things more with her eyes, she thinks the dogs are really interesting to stare at when they get close. She still hates for her hiney to be naked during diaper changes but she is starting to like baths more. She has gained about a pound, at the pediatrician last Wednesday she weighed 8.4lbs. She really likes her new swing that her dad bought her and she is getting much better about sleeping in her own bed at night. We love her so much and are so glad that she is ours, happy one month, Avery!

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