After that Dr. Murphy got started with the surgery and I could feel some pulls and tugs but for
the most part didn't feel much. About ten minutes later the anesthesiologist told Michael to get
the camera ready because we were going to have a baby in just a minute. Now prior to the surgery I had asked Dr. Murphy to announce what 'it' was, old school style, since we had no idea. I heard a little commotion and Dr. Murphy said the baby was out. As they were pulling down the screen so I could see I asked "What is it?" and Dr. Murphy held her up and said "Well, what do you think?" I saw her for the first time and got a big smile on my face and said "It's a girl!"
Michael took a couple of pictures and then sat back down by my head but I made him get back up and go over to where Avery was so he could get pictures of her getting cleaned off and all of that, he also cut the umbilical cord. And I was kind of left alone after that, Dr. Murphy was getting me stitched up and most everyone else was over taking care of the baby. The anesthesiologist asked what we were naming her, then Dr. Murphy said that the placenta and everything else looked good and it would just be a few more minutes until he was done, I asked him to go ahead and tuck things up while he was there but he wouldn't go for that. Then Michael walked over carrying Avery and I finally got my first good look at her, she was (is) so cute, with her chubby cheeks and perfect little lips. One of the nurses took our first family picture and then it was time to head back to our room.
They put her in my arms and wheeled us down the hall. Back in the room is when we finally got to see how much she weighed, 7.5lbs and how long she was, 21 inches. The nurse gave her a bath, got her footprints and also took some blood. That afternoon was spent just snuggling with our new baby.

Michaels brother, Rob, came down from Hood River and spent a couple hours with us that afternoon. Around 3 I finally had all the feeling back in my legs but no real pain. The nurses kept asking me if I wanted pain meds but I never ended up taking anything besides some Motrin and that was just because they kept bugging me about taking something. The first night was a little rough, Avery ended up throwing up all over me, it sounded like she was choking and I'll admit I panicked. This was about 2am and I hadn't slept since the previous night so they took her to the nursery for a couple hours but I still couldn't sleep because I'm a worrier. The next day was much better.

I got the catheter out, I was able to brush my teeth and shower and put my own clothes on. Dr. Murphy came in that afternoon to check on me and he asked if there was anything else they could do. I sarcastically said "let me go home" since I was going on Day 11 in the hospital and was ready to get out. He thought for a second and said that I could go home the next day. I was so excited and couldn't wait to get home and see the puppies and just relax in my own space.

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