Monday, May 24, 2010

Sparkles McGee

My wedding present from Michael is awesome! A day or so after the wedding we went to sushi and then over to Barnes and Noble and they had a big display for their 'Nook' which is their version of an e-reader. I thought it was cool, but I love my *real* books. I like buying them, reading them (careful not to bend any pages or mess it up) and then putting them on my bookshelves. You can't do that with e-books. But the more I thought about it the more the idea grew on me of getting one. No more having to go to the bookstore when I want to read a certain book 'now', I can just buy it and it downloads in a minute, pretty awesome! I will still buy real books, I think I will just be more picky from now on. I like the Nook because it's not back-lit like other e-readers. It's pretty compact too so it will be really easy to travel with. It even has a web browser. Obviously, we went back a couple days later and bought me one. They have protectors that you can put your Nook in and it looks like a real book cover. I got a really soft, black leather cover, so when I'm reading it feels like I'm holding a real book. The first book I bought was "Sh*t My Dad Says" which is HILARIOUS. It does have some colorful language, but it is really funny. I named my Nook Sparkles McGee, hence the title.

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