However, this past Saturday was a different story. Petree has gone to the vet for one reason or another plenty of times since we got him. He was born with an umbilical hernia which we had to have surgically fixed before his intestines fell out the hole. Then he would have these throwing up/nasty poop episodes that landed him at the vet's office hooked up to iv more than once. Another time his back got all swollen where he'd had a shot so we had to take him back into the vet for that. Luckily we found out that it was pancreatitus that was causing the throwing up/nasty poop espisodes and since then he has been on a low-fat diet and is doing really well (knock on wood). Well, this past Saturday we took him in for his annual comprehensive exam, Missy was due for hers too so they went on a little date for the day. :) We dropped them off and then went over to JC Penneys to get Michael some new work clothes. Holy cow ties are expensive! Anyways, I took Michael back home so that he could get ready for work and then stopped at the store so that I could get some ingredients to make the puppies some more treats. Petree has to have low-fat everything so I find it easier just to make our own treats. After I was done at the store I went back to the vet to pick up Petree and Missy, both passed their exam with flying colors (although Petree will be getting his teeth cleaned soon) and they sent us home with a dose of dewormer for each of them. I spent the rest of the day baking up a storm, they will have treats for a VERY long time. Finally about 9:45pm I remembered that I needed to give them the dewormer so I did and went about finishing up the treats. Michael got home from work about 10:20 and was saying hello to all of the puppies when I hear "what is wrong with Petree's face?" I had no idea what he was talking about but then he brought poor Petree into the kitchen and this is what he looked like:
Isn't that the saddest thing you have ever seen?! His eyes, nose and cheeks were so puffed up and you could tell it didn't feel good because he kept scratching his face. I'll admit, I panicked when I first saw him and was ready to take him the emergency clinic. Luckily we have an amazingly awesome vet, Dr. Emily, who answered my text at 10:30pm and said that we could just give him some Benadryl and that he should be fine as long as his breathing stayed normal. So that is what we did and his swelling started going down fairly quickly. Poor guy.
1 comment:
holy crap!! That was serious!! Glad you had the meds...I wouldn't have!
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