Thursday, January 21, 2010

One year older...

Happy Birthday to Michael, he turned the big 3-0 yesterday. Since he is so old now we just took it easy, ha! I had to work so after work I went to the store and picked up stuff so that I could cook dinner. I did steak on the grill, garlic shrimp, sauteed green beans and mashed potatoes. So good! After dinner we cut the puppies toe nails and gave them all a bath, exciting! :) After that Michael went and got us dessert, pie from Shari's. His present was a Raiders blanket, he got a fairly expensive surround sound system for Christmas so he was lucky he got anything at all. :) So happy birthday, sweet cheeks, I love you and I hope this year is the best one yet. He's marrying me this year so I don't know why it wouldn't be...

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