Saturday, December 12, 2009

Petree Turns 2!

This is pretty late but better late than never. Petree turned 2 on November 6th and we celebrated with some puppy cookies. Ever since we got Petree he has had a pretty sensitive stomach. We have taken him to the vet or emergency clinic way more than once because he would have these episodes where he would start throwing up and wouldn't stop. He would get so dehydrated that they would have to put him on an iv drip to get fluids into him. The episodes got less frequent so we figured that it was just a sensitive stomach and that he was growing out of it. Well, about a month ago he started throwing up and wouldn't stop so Michael took him into the vet where they kept him all day and gave him an iv. That afternoon they called to tell us that they had tested him for pancreatitus and the levels of whatever they were testing were through the roof, higher than the highest number possible on the test. I'm so glad Michael took him in, I'll admit I just figured it was another one of his episodes and he'd be fine in a bit. So now he is on a low-fat diet and we are hoping that he will be ok from now on. I'm glad we finally know what is wrong with him so that we can take care of him better. I love my bub. Here are some pictures of his birthday:

And one for posterity:

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