Wednesday, July 29, 2009

House Pictures

Here are a couple pictures of the house. I have a few of the inside, but since it's technically not ours yet I don't think it'd be a good idea to post those. Right now we are waiting to hear back from the sellers about the things we've asked them to take care of that were found in the inspection. Nothing major, we just want to get a couple things checked out and a couple of things repaired/replaced so it should be alright. Now it is just a matter of waiting until closing and then waiting until they move out, we have agreed to let them rent it back after closing for no more than 60 days so it could still be awhile before we actually move in. Isn't the backyard awesome for the dogs? And I can plant a big garden next year in the back corner, we're excited!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

We'll take it!

A couple months ago Michael mentioned that we should buy a house and I'll admit I shot him down pretty quickly about it. I figured we had too much debt and not enough income to get a house. Then I met with Kayte's financial planner (who is now my financial planner as well) a couple months later and he mentioned that a house is a good way to increase your net worth and he thought that considering my income and debt that it was really feasible. I had just moved positions at work which resulted in a bump in my salary so I figured 'what the hell', no harm in checking. So I met with a real estate agent who was nice enough to spend an hour with me and go over some things and then she gave me a couple of names for mortgage companies. Michael and I went to the mortgage company and we were approved, but due to credit scores and such it made more sense for just myself to be on the loan. This was a week ago and today we found out that a house we had put an offer on was accepted and if everything goes according to plan we will be homeowners for real by August 26th. The house is really cute with a great yard and it will be nice to get the 8k first time homebuyer credit so we can make some changes and improvements, I already have a pretty long list. So for now we need to get inspections and all that and then wait as patiently as possible for closing day.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fathers Day

I know, it was a while ago but we have been busy. For Fathers Day I made Michael an amazing breakfast, biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and orange juice. I worked really hard on it and then went to go tell him it was ready. It was about 10am and he was still sleeping but I figured he'd be ready for breakfast. WELL, I told him I had an amazing breakfast for him and he got really grumpy and said "it's only ten am, I don't want breakfast" and rolled over to go back to sleep. Talk about a jerk! So I left the room and went to eat breakfast by myself. Lucky for him he had a change of heart and realized what a butt he had been because a minute later he came out and apologized and then we had breakfast. I say lucky for him because even though I didn't tell him this, I was going to eat what I wanted and then I was going to throw the rest away. That would have taught him! I need to work on being less spiteful... Anyways, after breakfast he got his present from the puppies. I was pretty proud of it, although he still hasn't hung it up yet. I tell the puppies it's because he doesn't love them. Won't we make great parents?! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

More Pictures

Missy is telling Harley that the collar isn't SO bad to wear. Harley still doesn't like it.
Trying to find a way outside:

I'm trying to sleep!

Watching it rain and thunder:

Snips, clips, tags and pulls

We took all four of the puppies in to the vet on Thursday morning to get fixed. They were so nervous and scared as the vet helpers put a collar on each and took them into the back and put them in their own seperate kennel, everyone was shaking. But everyone made it out alright and we went back that afternoon to pick everyone up. In addition to getting fixed they also all got micro-chipped and some teeth pulled. Scooter lucked out and only had to get one tooth pulled but poor Harley had to get 6 pulled. So we have just been hanging out at home the last couple days while everyone recovers. The boys have it the easiest (big surprise :)), they just have a couple of stitches that will eventually dissolve since their incisions were tiny. Since Harleys incision is way bigger she got stitches that will have to be removed later. Well, like mother like daughter, I ended up taking her back to the vet the next day because she had chewed out 3 of the stitches. Missy did the same thing (twice) when we had her fixed. We even had a collar on Harley but she was still able to reach past it and get to the stitches. So now she has a couple of staples and a hard collar that she has to wear for the next two weeks until the stitches/staples come out.

This looks x-rated but Spike was dead asleep on Petree until I came over with the camera, he

likes to use the other dogs as pillows:

See, Spike isn't the only one who does it, Harley decided to flop down on Raider one afternoon: Michael had to run to the store one evening and Petree was so sad he waited by the front door until he came back. I hope he doesn't do this everytime we leave! :(

How does your garden grow?

Mine is doing pretty good, thank you to Michael for putting up a fence for me. The dogs kept getting into everything, they ate a cauliflower and brussel sprout plant before the fence got put up. And it happened while Michael was 'watching' them, he probably did it on purpose so he wouldn't have to eat the cauliflower or brussel sprouts. Don't worry, there should be plenty of brocolli and squash to make up for it. :) I have three pepper plants, a banana pepper a bell pepper and a jalepeno pepper plant, they are doing awesome, especially the banana peppers. My tomato plants are growing really well too, shouldn't be too much longer until I am over run by cherry tomatoes

And here is half of our backyard, Michael really wants to plant grass, and so do I, but not in the middle of summer. So for now we are running a weed farm, it's ugly but it helps cut down on the dust and it's hilarious to watch the dogs chase eachother and bunny hop through them.