Sunday, July 6, 2008

Trying something new...

So it has been awhile since my last post, but not much has changed. Yep, still chubby. It wasn't so bad in the winter when it was freezing, but it has been pretty hot here the past couple weeks. Fat and heat don't mix. That and it was totally dissapointing to not fit into any of the clothes I was wearing last summer. We have still been working out as often as possible. Walking the dogs, running, etc. I was riding my bike to work everyday, but I haven't for awhile now. SO, I decided to try something new and I signed up for NutriSystem a couple of days ago. It is $300 a month for an entire month of food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks/desserts). It seems like a lot but when I look what I spent last month on food, which was $500 on eating out and $300 at the grocery store, it's a fraction of that. It seems like a pretty easy program and it will be easy to take meals to work, etc. Part of my problem is that when I get hungry I think of everything that sounds good, which is everything I shouldn't be eating. With this program, meals will be right in front of me, so I won't have time (hopefully) to dream about what sounds good. I should get it within the next week, I'll let you know how it tastes!

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