Tuesday, April 6, 2010
90 Days of P90X
We have a treadmill. We have a weight bench/machine. We even have a punching bag. Not to mention miles and miles of trails all around our house. But, sadly, Michael and I are still chubby. It would help if we actually used any of the above things, but good intentions have to count for something, right? I was using the treadmill on a consistent basis until I got pneumonia. Then I was busy with work, then had to go to Seattle, you get the idea. Right before I left for Seattle we got P90X from Michaels sister. She bought it and then found out she was pregnant so she let us borrow it until the baby is born. We figured we'd try it and if we liked it then we would just buy it ourselves. I have done a couple of the workouts and they are pretty tough, lots and lots of reps using the same muscle group over and over again. Each day works a different part of the body. So, my plan is to do it every day for 90 days. 90 days is not that long and I need to get back into a routine, summer is just around the corner (I hope). I am going to try to get the workouts done in the mornings before work and since there isn't a lot of cardio involved I am going to try to do the treadmill for 20-30 minutes in the evenings. I have started eating better so now it's time to get my butt in gear. I will keep you updated, the first workout is tonight!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
It felt like Spring for a few weeks. Beautiful, warm, sunny weather. I even had some flowers pop up and bloom and our trees are starting to bud. It almost got up to 70 for a week or so. It was so nice I took my car in and had my winter tires taken off. Yeah, it snowed like 3 inches yesterday and has been cold and windy. The flowers have died and I think the trees are upset they got tricked. At the beginning of March Michael had to go to Salem for a week for training. He works at the AT&T store here in Bend, they just opened yesterday! Anyways, he was gone for a week and got home late Friday night, the next morning I had to take off for a week of training in Seattle. I rented a car since it was cheaper than driving my own, they gave me a red Jetta and it was awesome! I want one. The training class was very busy and they were long days but I squeezed some fun in. I met Colleen and the fam for some shopping, Pike Place and dinner since they also happened to be in Seattle at the same time. I went to sushi with Doug one night and sushi with Cherron another night. I made an Ikea run and got a dinner table and some other fun stuff and another night I went to Davids Bridal for their $99 sale and bought my wedding dress!! I also rocked my training class. They did a competition throughout the week where the goal was to collect 'worlds' which were stickers of a globe. They handed out stickers for participating, answering a tough question, etc. The person at the end of the class was declared the "world wide winner" and got bragging rights. Well, I was the World Wide Winner of my class, so I got bragging rights and a $75 gift card, pretty cool! After I got back from Seattle I had two normal weeks and then this past week I went to San Diego for a couple days for our corporate sales training class. We had a very busy March and we can't believe the wedding is only 6 weeks away! Here are some pictures of back when it was sunny!

I've had better months...
So February was not the best month I've had. Besides Valentines Day and Missys birthday it was pretty crappy. First, about a week after Valentines Day I started feeling not so hot. I could feel 'junk' in my throat and lungs and had a little cough. It started on a Thursday and I didn't feel too good throughout the weekend but I managed to clean the house and make some chicken noodle soup. I planned to just suck it up and work through it. Well, Monday morning my alarm went off for work and I got up to take a shower and let the puppies out. I let the puppies out and then laid down on the couch because I still wasn't feeling good. I didn't get up from the couch until about noon. Everytime I would stand up I felt dizzy and like I was going to throw up. That and I had a pretty bad cough. I stayed in bed pretty much all day until about 3pm when I decided to drag myself to Urgent Care to hopefully get some drugs. After I waited forever (almost two hours) I finally saw a doctor. He said he was pretty sure it was pneumonia and he could either prescribe me the drugs to fix it or I could go down and get x-rays done to confirm it. I voted to just get the drugs and skip spending the money for x-rays. Then I had to go to Costco and wait an hour for my prescriptions. I was miserable. I spent the next two days in bed and finally went back to work on Thursday. Then, a couple of days later when I was paying some bills online I realized that someone had gotten a hold of my debit card number and had ordered $250 worth of stuff from Sephora (a cool makeup store). So I cancelled my card and the next morning headed to the bank to fill out the paperwork and start a claim to get the money back. As I was turning onto the street that the bank is on, the lady at the stop sign pulled out and ran right into me! I was so mad, now I have to get my car fixed, it's such a pain in the butt! Her insurance is paying for everything since it was completely her fault, but still. They say bad things come in 3's, well that was 3 and so hopefully I am good for a long while!
Valentines Day
Our Valentines Day was pretty low-key. We went out for sushi the night before Valentines Day so we could avoid the crowds. Michael got me a pretty awesome present. A few weeks before Valentines Day he said that the water pump on my car needed to be replaced so he was going to take it some weekend and him and a friend were going to fix it. So on Friday afternoon he took my car and was gone for awhile. He got home and was acting a little weird, asking me to borrow my phone, which he never does since he has his own. When we decided to go out to dinner he said he had to give me my present early. Well, turns out there was nothing wrong with my water pump, he had taken my car to Best Buy and had a new stereo installed. The cool thing about the stereo is that it has Bluetooth. Oregon just passed a law that prohibits people from talking or texting with their cell phones while driving. So now when I'm in my car and I get a call, I use my stereo to answer the call, it is pretty cool. He also got me chocolate covered strawberries and flowers.
This is the little basket that I got for Michael. It had some of his favorite candy, gum, chocolates and some silk boxer shorts. Woohoo! :)
Missy May is 2!
It has been a long time since I last posted, we have been VERY busy around here. With wedding planning, Michael getting a new job, me travelling for work, etc. we haven't had a lot of spare time. Anyways, Missy turned two years old on February 27th. We decided to get her a haircut for her birthday. We usually cut it ourselves in the warmer months and then let it grow during the winter. She was so shaggy! So we took her in and they gave her a bath, cut her hair and nails and put a cute bandana on her. When we went to go pick her up I was reminded why we usually cut it ourselves, it was $40! That's more than I spend to get my hair done. She did look super cute though. The weekend of her birthday was beautiful weather so we took lots of pictures outside. Here are the before and after shots:
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