Alright, so I've gone back and forth about making a blog. Then I figured 'what the hell', maybe it will put more of a fire under my butt. So the whole point of this blog is so people can read about me and my chub. Provacative, I know. But I'm hoping that knowing people will read this will make me more honest in my attempts at diet and exercise. Up until about six months ago I was doing fantastic at losing weight, I had lost over 25lbs in about 6 months. Then, I met Michael and it all went to crap, I will blame him for now. Needless to say, I have gained back that weight and now just feel really fat. I even had to go buy new work pants because my old ones were just to tight. Lame, I know. And now with summer and warm weather breathing down my neck, I figured its time to start again. Hopefully this time it's for good. Although I will admit, it was really fun eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. But I miss the feeling of being happy with my body and knowing that I could go run 3 miles without stopping. I could make a lot of excuses about gaining the weight (besides blaming Michael, which is true) but the truth of it is, is that I just got lazy. You might be wondering about the name of my blog, My Holiday Layers, funny story actually. Back in college when I lived with about eight other people, my friend Kelly and I were fans of asking our guy roommates all the questions that guys are terrified to hear. So we asked one of our roomies, Mat, if he thought we were fat. He looked at us for a minute and then said, "No, you just have some holiday layers." And from then on our chub was known as holiday layers. So, today is Day One of the new diet and exercise program. I have made a calendar that I've posted to the fridge with all my meals already planned out for the month. I have gotten all the food I will need, and being the anal organizer I am, I even got stickers to put on my calendar when I achieve my daily goals. I got star stickers for when I eat right and hand stickers for when I work out. I weighed myself this morning (sorry, not telling what it was, but it was bad) and will weigh myself every two weeks. Maybe once I lose some chub I will tell you what I weighed at the start! I have decided to do a modified version of the South Beach Diet, lots of vegetables and protein but I am eating carbs as well, just not a lot. So far, so good.